Saturday, August 15, 2015

            How TO fix a stalling car also rough idling car .

 YES almost every time you come to stop your car starts sputtering and choking and conks out arghhhhhhhh you grunt and restart it.

SO lets do these things before we take it into shop for service.

The stall is likely caused by either a problem in the electrical system or in the fuel system. Your engine stops running because it is not igniting gas in the cylinders, this occurs either because there is not any gas to ignite, or because it lacks the electrical charge to ignite it. 

                                 Fuel        Filter


Above is pic of fuel filter used to be in engine compartment  easy to replace but the newer cars late 90's and up it's in back where gas tank is.

If your vehicle has fuel injection, you can check the injector by using a screwdriver or mechanics scope. The injectors will make a clicking/snapping sound if working. 

No sound may indicate a bad injector available at most DIY auto parts stores. It could also indicate an electrical failure with the circuit that drives the fuel injector. Also, check the Ignition Control Module , idle control motor that controls the air mixture. 

  In rare cases, your car may stall due to what is commonly called a "vapor lock", a situation that occurs when the fuel lines supplying gas to the engine become hot enough to boil the gas in the line turning it into vapor. Fuel pumps are designed to pump liquid not “vapor” and thus fail to provide enough fuel pressure. However, a clogged fuel tank vent system can cause a vacuum in the fuel line that causes fuel to eventually stop reaching the engine.


NOW before YOU go all techy with this hard stuff Easy way is to get carb n choke cleaner and heavy lubricant for the pollution control system .......... YOU may need a large flat blade  screwdriver or phillips head to remove the air cleaner funnel boot from where the choke butterfly is.

 Thats about the only thing you need a tool for the other vacumn lines and the EGR valve remove by hand ...

 Also replace your PCV valve and check to make sure hoses are not cracked !

 Most cost for this is about $20 maybe $25 ...... if this dosent work then a full tune up is needed which if your handy can be done your self replace the spark plugs and wires ONE by ONE 

thats about it make sure those wires go back to exact plug you took it off from if you screw up Car will not start or go bang bang bang shake rattle n roll.


 LUCKY You just saved at Least $150 ......


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